Kelso Dispensary Patient Registers Search

The Kelso Dispensary was founded by the Earl of Haddington with the first patient being seen on 5 December 1777. It was a charitable institution, so unlike other medical facilities of its time you will find records relating to people of all walks of life and all ages.

This index covers the period from December 1777 to August 1836 and offers a fascinating insight into the health of our ancestors. Learn more about the Kelso Dispensary here.

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Remember that spellings in historical records can vary widely, so use wildcards to help you find your ancestors. See our search help page.

Remember that ages were not always recorded accurately in these records, and in some cases were not recorded at all. If you don’t find the result that you are looking for try leaving this box blank.

This can be a useful tool to speed up the display of search results. If you find your advanced search is taking a long time to return results you can use this box to narrow your search to a few years at a time. By narrowing the year range you can also reduce the number of results when searching on common surnames.

Enter a parish name in the first box and/or a county name in the second box.

Remember that less is often more! If you don’t find the result that you are looking for try leaving some (or all) of these boxes blank. See our search help page.

Search by disease to see how many people are recorded as having a particular disease. Remember that these are historic records and terminology, spelling and classification have sometimes changed. The diseases have been transcribed as they appear in the original record.