Scottish Paternity Index - Search ResultHelp

Sheriff Court Process

PursuerAnn Ramsay, Millhole
DefenderThomas Spence, Castleton or Castlenairne
Child's Date of Birth15 January 1826
Year of Court Case/Extract1827
Sheriff CourtForfar
NRS ReferenceSC47/22/652

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The information listed above is an index entry only, the full original record contains much more detail. A sheriff court ‘process’ is essentially the bundle of original court papers. The processes vary in size but almost always contains significant details not included in the court decree. Processes sometimes contain witness statements or even items such as love letters which have been kept as evidence. You can see an example of a sheriff court process here in our Learning Zone.

For a research fee of £25.00 a professional genealogist will go to the National Records of Scotland on your behalf, locate the item and supply you with digital images of the entire court process. As this involves a trip to the archives in Edinburgh it can take a few weeks to process your order. We usually try to complete all orders within 4 weeks.

From time to time the National Records of Scotland withdraws access to original documents. For example, sometimes the documents are too fragile to be handled. If for any reason this record cannot be produced for us we will provide a full refund and an explanation of why we can’t access the original record.

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Source Citation
Sheriff Court Processes, Forfar Sheriff Court, Angus, NRS Reference SC47/22/652; Index, Scottish Indexes ( accessed 13 Feb 2025); Original Source: Sheriff Court Records, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Indexes — Graham Maxwell 2013-2021.
Sheriff Court Data. Crown copyright. National Records of Scotland.

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