Mental Health Records Search Results

Notices of Admissions
NameBirth YearInstitutionAdmissionDeath Year  
Mary Bannerman or Gemmill Gartnavel Royal Asylum1868 Full Record
Name Mary Bannerman or Gemmill
Birth Year
Institution Gartnavel Royal Asylum
Admission Year 1868
Death Year
Full Record
Mary Barrowman or Gemmell1808Langdale House, Bothwell1858 Full Record
Name Mary Barrowman or Gemmell
Birth Year 1808
Institution Langdale House, Bothwell
Admission Year 1858
Death Year
Full Record
Mary Barrowman or Gemmell1809Abbey Asylum, Paisley1859 Full Record
Name Mary Barrowman or Gemmell
Birth Year 1809
Institution Abbey Asylum, Paisley
Admission Year 1859
Death Year
Full Record
Mary Barrowman or Gemmel Abbey Asylum, Paisley1868 Full Record
Name Mary Barrowman or Gemmel
Birth Year
Institution Abbey Asylum, Paisley
Admission Year 1868
Death Year
Full Record
Mary Borrowman or Gemmell Burgh Parish Poorhouse, Paisley1867 Full Record
Name Mary Borrowman or Gemmell
Birth Year
Institution Burgh Parish Poorhouse, Paisley
Admission Year 1867
Death Year
Full Record
Mary Borrowman Gemmell1817Ayr District Asylum18691880Full Record
Name Mary Borrowman Gemmell
Birth Year 1817
Institution Ayr District Asylum
Admission Year 1869
Death Year 1880
Full Record
Mary Gemmell or Borrowman1809Abbey Asylum, Paisley1861 Full Record
Name Mary Gemmell or Borrowman
Birth Year 1809
Institution Abbey Asylum, Paisley
Admission Year 1861
Death Year
Full Record

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